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They'll all fall

Monday, January 09, 2006

Mind Control 101: How to Seduce Others With the Hidden Power of your Mind

Mind Control 101 just published the fairly long essay How to Seduce Others With the Hidden Power of your Mind, which contains an interesting set of techniques.

It's presented as a magick ritual leading to remote influence; I believe that to be bollocks. The techniques are still sound, though. Pick a target, spend 30 minutes daily visualizing that you caress each other, and 30 minutes at another time daily feeling the good love from that person towards you, and record all IOIs and progress that you feel from the target, without showing more than friendly interest.

This will work. It will pull up sexual state when you are with the person, and you'll carefully notice the persons reactions, and you'll progress based on that. It's not magic, though.


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